Pepino Melon. Pepino melon scientifically known as Solanum muricatum is a small bush or shrub belonging to the nightshade or Solanaceae the same family as potatoes tomatoes eggplants bell peppers and chili peppers 75/10 Scientific Name Solanum muricatumName Pepino melon.

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Selection and StoragePreparation and Serving MethodsSafety ProfileIn the US the fresh harvest of pepinos hit the local markets in the month of June They come in different colors and sizes Choose bright firm and intact pepino with a delicate scent If you had bought mature but unripe pepinos store them at room temperature for ripening They last for up to a week Once ripen use them as early as possible or place them In the fridge for one to two days Wash the fruit before use in clean running water Unripe pepino melon is prepared like squash and ripe ones like honeydew melon Mature and semiripe pepino can be crunchy and eaten like apples with skin In the case of ripe pepinos skin becomes a little tougher as in tomatoes and better discard it To prepare discard stem and top calyx end Cut the fruit in half lengthwise using a paring knife Scoop inner seedfilled hollow cavity using a spoon Seeds may be edible Then slice into sections or wedges Ripeness not only enriches flavor and fragrance but likeability Here are some serving tips 1 Pepinos savoured as is without any additions 2 It is used in mixed fruit salads enjoyed with lemonor lime juice Being a member of Solanaceae pepino melons may elicit allergic reactions in some sensitized individuals Common reactions can be skin and eye itching runny nose (allergic rhinitis) and gastrointestinal disturbances like stomach pain vomiting and diarrhea stomach pain may be selflimiting Individuals with intolerance to peipnos may manifest crossallergic reactions to other Solanaceae such as eggplant tomato peppers etc and advised to consult a family physician(Medical Disclaimer) ≻≻Back to Fruits from Pepino melon Visit here for an impressive list of fruits with complete illustrations of their nutrition facts and health benefits ≻≻Back to Home page Further reading.

Pepino Melon: The Super Fruit Women Fitness

The pepino dulce fruit resembles a melon (Cucumis melo) in color and its flavor recalls a succulent mixture of honeydew and cucumber and thus it is also sometimes called pepino melon or melon pear but pepinos are only very distantly related to melons and pears Another common name “tree melon” is more often used for the Papaya (Carica papaya) though the pepino dulce plant generally.

Pepino melon Nutrition facts and Health benefits

The pepino melon is ripe and ready to harvest when it turns a pale creamy color all the way through to golden yellow with purple stripes (though stripes may not form if the fruit is shaded) For the tastiest fruit leave it on the plant until fully ripe for the flavor to develop.

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Pepino Melon ~ Eating and Growing These Tasty Melons

Pepino Melon: How To Grow The Plant And Eat The Fruit

Pepino melon facts and health benefits

What is a Pepino Melon? A pepino melon also known as pepino dulce sweet cucumber pepino cucumber melon pear and pear melon It’s a fruit that is usually about the size of an adult palm or a size of smalltomedium sized avocado.