Midah Si Manis Bergigi Emas. This Earth of Mankind is the first novel of the Buru Quartet so called because it was composed when Pramoedya Ananta Toer was a political prisoner on Buru Island in the 60s I say ‘composed’ rather than ‘written’ because the first version of it was told orally to his fellow prisoners He had apparently just about finished the research and planning when he was arrested and all his.

Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas Shopee Indonesia midah si manis bergigi emas
Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas Shopee Indonesia from Shopee Indonesia

Midah Si Manis Bergigi Emas (1954) Korupsi (1954) Perdjalanan Ziarah jang Aneh (1954) karya Leo Tolstoy yang diterjemahkan oleh Pramoedya Ananta Toer Mari Mengarang (1955) tak jelas nasibnya di tangan penerbit di Jalan Kramat Raya Jakarta Ibunda (1956) karya Maxim Gorky yang diterjemahkan oleh Pramoedya Ananta Toer.

Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer Goodreads


Midah Simanis Bergigi Emas Shopee Indonesia

Pramoedya Ananta Toer Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
