Mcd Japan. Japanese customers will have to settle for a small serving of McDonald&#39s fries for the next month or so after the fastfood chain said it was limiting portions due to shipping problems McDonald&#39s Holdings Company Japan said in a statement on Friday that the impact of flood damage on the port of Vancouver and other disruptions since last year would delay an expected shipment of potatoes from.

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McDonald’s is being forced to take medium and largesized fries off the menu in its 2900 locations across Japan — because potatoes are in short supply the fastfood giant said Tuesday Author Lisa Fickenscher.

McDonald’s rations fries in Japan due to potato shortage

McDonald’s Japan said it would only sell smallsized french fries for a week from Friday to avoid shortages “Due to largescale flooding near the Port of Vancouver and the global supply.

McDelivery Japan McDonald's

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How Is Mcdonald S Different In Japan Youtube

McDonald's Japan slices fries to small size as it faces

Holdings Japan Welcome to McDonald's

McDonald's to ration french fries in Japan

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