Masjid Fatih Istanbul. Bodrum Mosque (Turkish Bodrum Camii or Mesih Paşa Camii named after its converter) in Istanbul Turkey is a former Eastern Orthodox church converted into a mosque by the Ottomans The church was known under the Greek name of Myrelaion (Greek Eκκλησία του Μυρελαίου).

The Süleymaniye Mosque (Turkish Süleymaniye Camii pronounced [sylejˈmaːnije]) is an Ottoman imperial mosque located on the Third Hill of Istanbul TurkeyThe mosque was commissioned by Suleiman the Magnificent and designed by the imperial architect Mimar SinanAn inscription specifies the foundation date as 1550 and the inauguration date as 1557.
Süleymaniye Mosque Wikipedia
Selain kuliner di Istanbul juga banyak inspirasi Misalnya saluran air Istanbul naik feri ke Bosphorus ke Emirgan untuk menikmati udara dan seni di Museum Sakip Sabanci dan juga berkunjung ke bekas rumah keluarga pengusaha Turki Sabanci yang saat ini mengadakan berbagai pameran lokal dan internasional Di sini teras besar yang menghadap ke air adalah.
Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh Mosque In Istanbul Turk By Adam Hles 500px
Wikipedia Bodrum Mosque
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