Kompresor Scroll. A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for compressing air or refrigerant It is used in air conditioning equipment as an automobile supercharger (where it is known as a scrolltype supercharger) and as a vacuum pump Many residential central heat pump and air conditioning systems.

Scroll Compressor Youtube kompresor scroll
Scroll Compressor Youtube from YouTube

SCROLL COMPRESSORS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION FOR 50H z R404A R449A R452A R448A R134a R513A MultiRefrigerant Platform.

Copeland Scroll compressor Emerson Electric

A scroll compressor also known as a scroll pump and a spiral compressor consists of a shell with an inlet and an outlet The lower part of the shell contai Video Duration 3 minViews 2925KAuthor Thomas Schwenke.

Scroll compressor Wikipedia

Scroll kompresor je typ rotačního objemového kompresoru tj stlačuje určité množství vzduchu ve stále se zmenšující objem Element kompresoru se skládá z pevné spirály v pouzdře elementu a pohyblivé spirály poháněné odstředivě motorem Spirály jsou namontovány se 180° fázovým úhlem aby vzniklo více vzduchových kapes s měnícím se objemem Toto provedení.


Copeland™ ZP R410A scroll compressors for air conditioning are designed for high efficiency and reliability in aircooled chiller systems with evaporating temperatures around +5 °C Features such as brazed fitting connections tandemization and multiple refrigerant capability provide for the needs of a more demanding market Brand CopelandEU.

Scroll Compressor Youtube

Scroll compressor / spiral compressor / scroll pump How it

Scroll kompresory technika s.r.o. SAMAD Průmyslová

Copeland ZP Scroll Compressors Emerson GB

• Motor scroll and bearing redesign minimize annual energy consumption • Precision machined scrolls provide the highest isentropic efficiency and wearin for improved performance over time • New valving technology adjusts the scroll compression ratio based on operating condition significantly improving low ambient performance.