Junkbuster Samp. Med Junkbusters er det ligetil at bestille en afhentning af affald – om det er storskrald i København eller Aarhus eller containere til nedrivning af et helt hus så er vi den rigtige partner for dig Vi tilbyder næsten alt inden for affaldshåndtering og afhentning af affald.

Server Log junkbuster samp
Server Log from SlideShare

You need to write all weapons into the file “ForbiddenWeaponscfg” and the bad words into the file “BadWordscfg” BUT Don&#39t repeat letters of bad words If you want to forbid the word “noob” write “nob” into the file TempBans=1 Set the variable you want to disable to 0 to disable it.

SpGRP/JunkBuster.inc at master · CansecoDev/SpGRP · GitHub

[Savjet] JunkBuster « poslato Jun 10 2011 105458 pre podne » Pozdravnaime ja koristim Junk Buster Anti Cheat i sad kada sam ga ubacio na server on mi dole promjeni mapnamei na pocetku kada se neko loguje pise mu na engleskom da nesmiju cheatovati i tako to.

Affaldshåndtering i København og århus Junkbusters Klik her!

JunkBuster je jedan od najbolji AntiCheata za Samp imaju ga mnogi serveri velika je potraznja za njim! Prevedeno je ne bas 100 % ali je vise 75 % Preveo bih sve ali sada nemam vremena mozda cu sutra prekosutra Najveci dio koji nisam preveo je kada mjenjate verbijale Da bi vam AntiCheat radio morate OBAVEZNO procitati &#39&#39Procitaj me&#39&#39!!! Ako ne uradite sve sto vam pise nece.

[AntiCheat]JunkBuster ป้องกันการโกงเกมส์ GTA Samp! Filter

JunkBuster will calculate average ping for players and kick them if their ping is higher Set to 0 to disable If you want to enable it it&#39s recommended to set higher than 300″ //MaxPing “Enable to ban for illegal spectating with cheat tools Set to 0 to disable set to 1 to enable” //SpectateHack.

Server Log

[FS] JunkBuster 10 (Preveden!) balkansamp.com

[Savjet] JunkBuster Balkan SAMP

[Pomoc]JunkBuster Problem Balkan SAMP

[INC] JunkBuster AntiCheat Balkan SA:MP

JunkBuster AntiCheat by DoubleOSevenมันสามารถทำอะไรได้บ้าง ?[*]Ban for the most used cheats (weapons some types of health chea [AntiCheat]JunkBuster ป้องกันการโกงเกมส์ GTA Samp!.