Bts Plagiat Exo. Big Hit Entertainment has issued an official statement in response to accusations of plagiarism from French photographer Bernard Faucon On February 25 Big Hit stated “Upon checking reports Author Yshin.

Lagi Lagi Bts Dituduh Jiplak Konsep Exo Kpop Chart Blog bts plagiat exo
Lagi Lagi Bts Dituduh Jiplak Konsep Exo Kpop Chart Blog from

It seems like BTS &#39s plagiarism controversies have no end The group has been once again accused of copying senior group EXO and this time its with photocards On May 13 a recent post from an.

BTS Battles More Plagiarism Charges as Rap Monster Confession

BTS has been subject to criticisms of copying EXO due to their concept “Boy in Luv” (realesed in February 2014) which came out shortly after EXO’s Growl (realesed in July 2013) Author Rampampam.

Big Hit Responds To Accusations Of Plagiarism In BTS’s Album

The allegations started in 2015 when Twitter user @wevebeenhere clearly pointed to an instance of plagiarism involving Rap Monster A copy of a subsequent confession to fans first written in.

Lagi Lagi Bts Dituduh Jiplak Konsep Exo Kpop Chart Blog

BTS once again accused of copying EXO allkpop

Plagiat EXO : Okezone Celebrity Lagi, BTS Dituduh

Groups That Have Been Accused of Copying BTS Recently vs

Lagi BTS Dituduh Plagiat EXO SEOUL Isu dan tuduhan plagiarisme masih terus menghantui boyband yang tengah naik daun Bangtan Boys (BTS) Kali ini BTS lagilagi dituduh memplagiat konsep senior mereka di industri musik EXO Tuduhan itu muncul setelah sebuah postingan di komunitas online berjudul “Kali ini BTS meniru photocard EXO” tersebar.