Biaya Restart Iphone. Part 1 Differences between Soft Reset/Hard Reset and Factory Reset First off let’s go ahead and see what are the different kinds of reset that you can perform on iPhone and what differentiates them There are three ways to reset an iPhone namely Hard Reset Soft Reset and Factory Reset These are applied in different scenarios and operations also vary.
How to restart your iPhone X 11 12 or 13 Press and hold either volume button and the side button until the power off slider appears Drag the slider then wait 30 seconds for your device to turn off If your device is frozen or unresponsive force restart your device To turn your device back on press and hold the side button (on the right.
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3 Cara Restart iPhone Tanpa Tombol Cara restart iPhone juga dapat dilakukan tanpa menggunakan tombol Caranya adalah dengan mengubah huruf iPhone menjadi tebal atau bold Meskipun demikian cara ini hanya dapat dilakukan pada iPhone dengan iOS 7 keatas Berikut ini langkahnya sebagai cara restart iPhone hang tanpa tombol home.